UX Vocab Club

"Coffee" Chat

Hi, I'm Hilary.

I'm the founder of UX Vocab Club, where we provide personalized coaching to exceptional UX professionals and maintain a private database of over 7000 candidates.

We specialize in aligning candidates with the skills and expertise required for business and building trust with decision-makers to ensure a perfect match for Candidates and Hiring Companies.

I would love to learn your perspective on how an excellent user experience plays a role in your business.

Let's have a ten-minute "Coffee" Chat!

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The Current Landscape of Tech Talent Acquisition

As artificial intelligence and increasing digitization enable digital transformation to enhance productivity, having a personal and trusting experience is becoming more critical.


Cross-Industry Adoption of Advanced Tech

With the cross-industry adoption of advanced tech and an increased need for cybersecurity, traditional methods of tech talent acquisition need revision.

Category Map for UX Vocab Club
Category Map for UX Vocab Club


Category Map

That's why UX Vocab Club sits in the middle, buffered by job portals, placements, talent mobility programs, events and networking.

According to Our Competitor

Average 6 - 9 Weeks

It takes an average of six to nine weeks to hire tech talent because of the outreach program and vetting processes required.

Average Cost is 30k

It's an average cost of 30,000 USD per tech hire.

Roughly about 5,000 USD per week.

3/5 Firms Concerned

And three out of five firms are concerned that recruitment and hiring methods will not be enough to fill tech roles.


Our service doesn't replace traditional recruiting like LinkedIn Recruiter but offers a unique angle.

Fiverr is great for solopreneurs. And many people have chosen UpWork.

However, UX Vocab Club provides specialized services beyond what general platforms offer, especially for projects needing high-quality, industry or project-specific talent.

And we support our talent so they don't burn out and stay exceptional.

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Let's have a "Coffee" Chat

Our service enables hiring companies and decision-makers to quickly find and hire trusted user experience tech talent, reducing the time and cost of hiring compared to traditional recruiters.

Coaching Balloon
Coaching Balloon